CHD Watchdog Efforts

RFK Jr. Proves HHS is in Violation of Vaccine Safety Requirements Under the Law — “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines”
In 1986, Congress passed one of the most troubling pieces of legislation in modern history, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which shields vaccine manufacturers from almost all state-law tort liability.

FREE Special Report — Snapshots From 2020 Global Shutdown
With an introduction with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Snapshots provides a crucial “snapshot in time” in a cross section of countries from mid-March to mid-August 2020. With its copious references, this report gives you an important glimpse into COVID-19’s unaccounted impact and a roadmap to the future.

The Playbook Revealed! CHD’s ‘The Jab’ Delivers Inside Scoop on COVID Pandemic
Join Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on a snappy journey through the recent history and current replay of the pandemic-scam-page from Big Pharma’s playbook. It’s deja-vu with the W.H.O. declaring “pandemics” that result in gold rushes for pharmaceutical companies.

The Fix Was In: Latest ACIP Meeting’s Public Comments Featured a Who’s Who Among Vaccine Promoters
When one after another of those allowed public comments at the recent ACIP meeting were enthusiastically pro-vaccine in their statements and in fact spent much of their time complimenting the CDC and the ACIP members in particular, I began to wonder if the event and it’s chosen “random speakers” had been set up to show a one-sided conclusion for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination recommendations.

Children’s Health Defense Principal Brief in Landmark Case Against FCC on 5G and Wireless Harms: Submitted!
What we put in our bodies and our children’s developing bodies is the most important and most personal choice we make as human beings. But when it comes to damaging levels of radiation, that right to choose has been stolen from us. The Children’s Health Defense (CHD) mission to protect children from toxic exposure reached […]

Legal Updates for New York
NY Lawsuit #1 Repeal of Religious Exemption (From Most Recent) October 16, 2019 Children’s Health Defense and Michael H. Sussman, Esq. have decided not to appeal the denial of the preliminary injunction to the U. S. Supreme Court in F.F. on behalf of her minor children v. New York State regarding the repeal of the religious […]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense Bring Legal Action Against Beech-Nut Nutrition Company Concerning Misrepresentation That Their Naturals Baby Foods are 100% Natural
Washington, DC—Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD) announced a lawsuit today against Beech-Nut Nutrition Company. The complaint, filed in Washington, DC, asserts that Beech-Nut’s material misrepresentations and omissions violate the District of Columbia Consumer Protection Procedures Act.

Good News from ACIP (for a Change)?
In February of this year, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sent a letter to the Chairman and other members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on behalf of Children’s Health Defense. Aware that ACIP was planning to consider recommending Merck’s human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine—Gardasil 9—for all women and men 27 to 45 years old, Kennedy informed the committee that Children’s Health Defense would consider such a recommendation “reckless” based on the safety information available.

RFK Jr. Proves HHS is in Violation of the “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” as Stipulated in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act
When Congress granted economic immunity to pharmaceutical companies in 1986 for vaccine injury, Congress recognized it eviscerated the economic incentive for pharmaceutical companies to create safe vaccines or make existing ones safer. Congress therefore placed the responsibility and burden for vaccine safety directly and virtually entirely on the shoulders and in the hands of the Secretary of HHS.

Twenty-Seven Years of Pharmaceutical Industry Criminal and Civil Penalties: 1991 Through 2017
By Sammy Almashat, M.D., M.P.H.Ryan Lang, M.D., M.P.H.Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.Michael Carome, M.D. Public Citizen has published three previous reports—in 2010, 2012, and 2016—documenting the number and size of criminal and civil settlements and court judgments reached between the federal and state governments and pharmaceutical manufacturers. The 2016 report, which included all settlements from 1991 […]