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Published: 2018

French Professors demand immediate stop to Al use in vaccines and medications like antacids, as evidence shows that it poses a deadly danger to humans.


French Professors demand immediate stop to Al use in vaccines and medications like antacids


Gayle DeLong (2018) Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 81:14, 661-674, DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2018.1477640


Approximately 60% of the single women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, whereas only 35% of women who were exposed to the vaccine had conceived. For married women, 75% who did not receive the shot were found to conceive, while only 50% who received the vaccine had ever been pregnant.

Published: 2018

The evidence does not support HPV vaccine effectiveness in women in their mid- to late 20s.


Effectiveness of catch-up human papillomavirus vaccination on incident cervical neoplasia in a US health-care setting: a population-based case-control study


Silverberg MJ, Leyden WA, O’Lam J, et al. Effectiveness of catch-up human papillomavirus vaccination on incident cervical neoplasia in a US health-care setting: a population-based case-control study. Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. 2018;2(10):707-714.


This article reports limited effectiveness of “catch-up” HPV vaccination in women in their 20s. The vaccine showed “no significant effectiveness” in women who initiated vaccination between 21-26 years of age (or who received less than the three-dose series), in line with other studies that likewise have found no evidence of “any vaccine effectiveness” in women in their mid- to late 20s. [Note: Although the study’s results “conflict” with arguments to extend HPV vaccination to women of older ages, the FDA nontheless approved Gardasil-9 for women and men between ages 27 and 45 in October 2018.]

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Published: 2018

Data restrictions imposed by vaccine manufacturers and regulators inhibit independent researchers’ ability to conduct comprehensive and accurate assessments of HPV vaccine safety.


Challenges of independent assessment of potential harms of HPV vaccines


Jørgensen L, Doshi P, Gøtzsche P, Jefferson T. Challenges of independent assessment of potential harms of HPV vaccines. BMJ 2018;362:k3694.


Vaccine manufacturer control over clinical study reports inhibits independent researchers’ ability to conduct comprehensive and accurate assessments of HPV vaccine safety. Researchers and regulators evaluating reports of HPV vaccine injuries often do not have access to thousands of pages of clinical study results and must rely on short journal publications. Unpublished reports are also far more likely to contain information about harms, including those that are relatively rare. After three years of efforts to obtain “all potentially eligible reports for a systematic review of HPV vaccines,” the authors had received only half “and these were incomplete and contained redactions.”

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Published: 2018

Discrepancies in how countries define and evaluate difficult-to-diagnose vaccine complications may affect their conclusions about HPV vaccine safety.


Discrepancies in the evaluation of the safety of the human papillomavirus vaccine


Cervantes JL, Doan AH. Discrepancies in the evaluation of the safety of the human papillomavirus vaccine. Memórias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 2018;113(8):e180063.


Discrepancies in how countries define and evaluate difficult-to-diagnose HPV vaccine complications may affect their conclusions about the vaccine’s safety. Japan and Colombia suspended their HPV vaccine recommendations after encountering a significant number of cases of complications; the fact that some cases were “rare” or “clinically undefined” did not sway their decision. There is a need for unbiased monitoring and reporting of adverse reactions to HPV vaccination “to ensure that the benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks of adverse reactions.”

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Published: 2018

Autistic children with gastrointestinal symptoms have an imbalance in their immune response that affects behavior and quality of life.


Differential immune responses and microbiota profiles in children with autism spectrum disorders and co-morbid gastrointestinal symptoms


Rose DR, Yang H, Serena G, Sturgeon C, Ma B, Careaga M, Hughes HK, Angkustsiri K, Rose M, Hertz-Picciotto I, Van de Water J, Hansen RL, Ravel J, Fasano A, Ashwood P. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2018;70:354-368.


Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and concurrent gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms have a more imbalanced immune response, a more disturbed gut microbiome and worse behavioral outcomes (such as irritability, agitation, social withdrawal, lethargy, hyperactivity and noncompliance) than ASD children without GI symptoms. The study additionally looked at typically developing children with and without GI symptoms and found that ASD+GI children stood out compared to those two groups as well. Children with ASD plus GI symptoms may have a “propensity” toward leaky gut that contributes to their other symptoms and clinical outcomes.

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Published: 2018

The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) offers no clinical benefits for adults, instead increasing pneumonia and hospitalization risks, particularly in vulnerable subgroups.  


Evaluating clinical effectiveness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination against pneumonia among middle-aged and older adults in Catalonia: results from the EPIVAC cohort study


Vila-Corcoles A, Ochoa-Gondar O, de Diego C, Satue E, Aragón M, Vila-Rovira A, Gomez-Bertomeu F, Margarolas R, Figuerola-Massana E, Raga X, Perez MO, Ballester F. Evaluating clinical effectiveness of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination against pneumonia among middle-aged and older adults in Catalonia: results from the EPIVAC cohort study. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2018;18:196.


This recent study conducted in over two million middle-aged and older adults in Catalonia found that individuals who received the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) were sicker than non-PCV13-vaccinated individuals. PCV13 vaccination was associated with an increased risk of all-cause pneumonia, an increased risk of hospitalization for pneumonia and increased case fatality for both pneumococcal pneumonia and all pneumonia. The vaccine was also associated with an increased risk of all-cause pneumonia in subgroups such as the elderly and immune-compromised. One mechanism possibly explaining the results is that the PCV13 vaccine may alter the flora in the sinuses and respiratory tract and lead to more infections with microorganisms not covered by the vaccine. The researchers’ conclusion is that PCV13 vaccination has no clinical benefit for adults.

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Published: 2018

Vaccination can trigger a series of cascading events that disturbs the balance between “protective immunity” and “destructive inflammation.”


Vaccines and neuroinflammation


Giannotta G, Giannotta N. International Journal of Public Health & Safety. 2018;3:3.



This study explores molecular mechanisms capable of explaining “post-vaccination inflammatory syndrome” and the neuroinflammation observed in children with autism. Focusing especially on vaccines (such as HPV vaccines) that contain biopersistent aluminum adjuvants, the authors describe how “continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant…may become insidiously unsafe,” especially in children who are vaccinated repeatedly or who have an immature or altered blood-brain barrier. Vaccination can trigger a series of cascading events (involving overexpression of the signaling molecules that regulate inflammation and activation of brain cells called microglia) that disturbs the balance between “protective immunity” and “destructive inflammation.”

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Published: 2018

Economic evaluations of vaccination programs may be biased when they are industry-funded.


Sponsorship bias in base-case values and uncertainty bounds of health economic evaluations? A systematic review of herpes zoster vaccination


Bilcke J, Verelst F, Beutels P. Sponsorship bias in base-case values and uncertainty bounds of health economic evaluations? A systematic review of herpes zoster vaccination. Medical Decision Making. 2018;38(6):730-745.



This study suggests that economic evaluations of vaccination programs have the potential to be biased when they are industry-funded. Industry-funded studies of shingles vaccination have reported more favorable cost-effectiveness ratios than non-industry funded studies. The authors caution researchers and decision-makers to be “aware of potential sponsorship bias” and also warn against cherry-picking, stating that evaluations “should consider all relevant data sources rather than (subjectively) selecting a subset of the available evidence.” In addition, they emphasize the importance of a “complete picture of the available evidence and uncertainty” when evaluating indicators such as disease burden and case fatality rate.

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Published: 2018

Severe, long-term disability and even death can occur in a subset of individuals vulnerable to “HPV vaccination syndrome.”


Autoimmunity, autonomic neuropathy, and the HPV vaccination: a vulnerable subpopulation


Schofield JR, Hendrickson JE. Clinical Pediatrics. 2018;57(5):603-606.


The authors describe the first biopsy-proven case of serious nerve damage developing within days of HPV vaccination, with an evident link between symptom onset and vaccination. The authors advocate for “increased [provider] awareness of the potential for neurological complications” resulting from HPV vaccination, particularly due to the “devastating clinical outcome of severe, long-term disability and even death of [a vulnerable subset] affected by the HPV vaccination syndrome.”

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Published: 2018

Mercury-associated diagnoses are common among children diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorders.


Symptoms observed in pervasive developmental disorders such as autism overlap with symptoms of mercury poisoning.


Geier DA, Kern JK, Sykes LK, Geier MR. Metabolic Brain Disease. March 2018. doi: 10.1007/s11011-018-0211-9.


Research indicates that environmental triggers are contributing to the childhood epidemics of autism and other pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs). The mercury-containing vaccine preservative thimerosal is a biologically plausible candidate to induce PDD. This study reveals that 12 symptom categories associated with mercury poisoning directly overlap with symptoms observed in children who have a PDD.

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Published: 2018

Thimerosal contributes to the formation of abnormal proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and other diseases.


Thimerosal changes protein conformation and increase the rate of fibrillation in physiological conditions: Spectroscopic studies using bovine serum albumin (BSA)


Santos JCN, da Silva IM, Braga TC, de Fátima Å, Figueiredo IM, Santos JCC. Thimerosal changes protein conformation and increase the rate of fibrillation in physiological conditions: Spectroscopic studies using bovine serum albumin (BSA). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018;113:1032-1040.


A series of experiments suggests that the effects of the vaccine preservative thimerosal on the structure of important protein molecules in the blood are one likely cause of thimerosal’s toxicity, contributing to the development of neurodegenerative and other diseases. Using a cow protein as a proxy to assess thimerosal’s impact on human serum albumin (a protein made by the liver), the study found that thimerosal accelerates the build-up of abnormal protein deposits that are associated with at least 25 diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and type 2 diabetes. When bound to albumin, thimerosal also may result in “more efficient distribution” of mercury in the body.

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Published: 2017

Mercury in the body produces a selenium deficiency state that increases toxicity.


Rethinking mercury: the role of selenium in the pathophysiology of mercury toxicity


Spiller HA. Rethinking mercury: the role of selenium in the pathophysiology of mercury toxicity. Clinical Toxicology. 2018;56(5):313-326.


This study makes the case that mercury’s multifaceted interactions with selenium are a central feature of mercury toxicity. The authors argue that “the previously suggested ‘protective effect’ of selenium against mercury toxicity may in fact be backwards”—because of mercury’s affinity for selenium, mercury can actually produce a selenium deficiency state that promotes oxidative stress and inhibits the body’s regenerative mechanisms. Depending on the form of mercury and other factors, selenium supplementation may have some benefits for restoring adequate selenium status and mitigating the toxicity of mercury, but it does not appear to promote increased elimination of mercury.

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Published: 2017

Adolescents given meningococcal vaccines have experienced a wide variety of serious adverse events, including new autoimmune conditions and death.


Post-licensure safety surveillance study of routine use of quadrivalent meningococcal diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine


Hansen J, Zhang L, Klein NP, et al. Vaccine 2017;35(49 Pt B):6879-84.



Adolescents receiving the Menactra® meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY-D) in 2005-2006 experienced a variety of adverse events in the six months following vaccination—including death—but the researchers (one of whom was affilated with the vaccine’s manufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur) concluded that only two diagnoses (diabetes and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) were “possibly related to vaccination.” After comparing 31,000 Kaiser Permanente patients who received the MenACWY-D vaccine to 31,000 matched teens who had received a tetanus-diphtheria (Td) or hepatitis vaccine the previous year, the researchers assessed 1660 outcomes and determined that 1.3% were “significantly elevated” in the meningococcal group. There were two deaths in vaccinees with cancer (“with onset preceding vaccination”) following MenACWY-D vaccination as well as a third cardiac-related death; there was also one fetal death in a young woman who received Menactra® during pregnancy. Many of the adverse events, including difficulty breathing, occurred two or more months following vaccination.

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Published: 2017

A number of factors can predispose susceptible individuals to autoimmune reactions following vaccination.


Vaccination and autoimmune diseases: is prevention of adverse health effects on the horizon?


Vadalà M, Poddighe D, Laurino C, Palmieri B. European Association for Predictive Preventive & Personalized Medicine Journal. 2017;8(3):295-311.


This review discusses possible underlying mechanisms of autoimmune reactions following vaccinations and cases of autoimmune diseases that have been correlated with vaccination. Molecular mimicry and bystander activation are possible mechanisms by which vaccines can cause autoimmune reactions. The individuals who might be susceptible to develop these reactions could be those with previous post-vaccination phenomena, those with allergies, individuals who are prone to develop autoimmune diseases (such as those with a family history of autoimmunity or with known autoantibodies) and genetically predisposed individuals.

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Published: 2017

HPV-vaccinated women, in some settings, are less likely to get routine cervical cancer screening, which is necessary to reduce population incidence of cervical cancer.


HPV vaccines—A review of the first decade


Harper DM, DeMars LR. HPV vaccines—A review of the first decade. Gynecologic Oncology 2017;146(1):196-204.


This mostly uncritical review of a decade of HPV vaccination draws attention to an underdiscussed aspect, which is that “[p]revention of cervical cancer must still rely on participation in ongoing screening programs.” The authors show that in many settings, HPV-vaccinated women are significantly less likely to get routine cervical cancer screening than unvaccinated women. Of concern, “the uptake of screening after the HPV vaccine introduction…has been lower than necessary to reduce population incidence of cervical cancer.” The authors comment that administering repeat doses of HPV vaccine to already vaccinated women “causes harm with no evidence of any improved prevention of HPV infections.”

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Published: 2017

The author calls for the complete removal of thimerosal in vaccines especially in developing countries where they are used most prevalently.


Abating Mercury Exposure in Young Children Should Include Thimerosal-Free Vaccines


José G. Dórea. Neurochemical Research, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11064-017-2277-x.


The author of this review article contrasts the medical outcomes of children who receive thimerosal-containing vaccines versus thimerosal-free vaccines. Neurological disorders have been shown to be associated with exposure to thimerosal in vaccines. The author calls for the complete removal of thimerosal in vaccines especially in developing countries where they are used most prevalently.

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Published: 2017

Serious adverse events observed in pre-licensure trials of Gardasil-9 cast doubts on HPV vaccine safety, but the trial investigators described the adverse events as not vaccine-related.


Vaccine-related serious adverse events might have been under-recognized in the pivotal HPV vaccine randomized trial


Martínez-Lavín M. Vaccine-related serious adverse events might have been under-recognized in the pivotal HPV vaccine randomized trial [Letter]. Clinical Rheumatology 2017;36(4):975.



The largest pre-licensure trial of the Gardasil-9 vaccine—which compared Gardasil-9 against Gardasil rather than against an inert placebo—showed that Gardasil-9 had significantly more serious adverse events than Gardasil (3.3% versus 2.6%, p=0.01). However, the trial investigators judged that 0% of the serious adverse events in both groups were vaccine-related. Gardasil-9 has “more than double [the] HPV virus-like particles and aluminum adjuvant” as Gardasil. The under-recognition of serious adverse events associated with Gardasil-9 “casts further doubt on HPV vaccine safety.”

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Published: 2017

Yale scientists find strong association between vaccinations and anorexia, ocd, and anxiety disorder.


Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case-Control Study


Douglas L. Leslie, Robert A. Kobre, Brian J. Richmand. Frontiers in Psychiatry, January 2017.


“Subjects with newly diagnosed anorexia nervosa were more likely than controls to have had any vaccination in the previous 3 months [hazard ratio (HR) 1.80, 95% confidence interval 1.21-2.68]. Influenza vaccinations during the prior 3, 6, and 12 months were also associated with incident diagnoses of AN, OCD, and an anxiety disorder. Several other associations were also significant with HRs greater than 1.40 (hepatitis A with OCD and AN; hepatitis B with AN; and meningitis with AN and chronic tic disorder). This pilot epidemiologic analysis implies that the onset of some neuropsychiatric disorders may be temporally related to prior vaccinations in a subset of individuals.”

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Published: 2017

Italian scientists find unexpected contaminants in all pediatric vaccines, including lead, stainless steel, tungsten, iron, and chromium


New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination


Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti, Stefano Montanari. International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, January 2017.


Scientists found contaminants in all vaccines that are not listed on the label of the vaccines. “The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines, not investigated and not detected by the Producers. If our hypothesis is actually the case, a close inspection of the working places and the full knowledge of the whole procedure of vaccine preparation would probably allow to eliminate the problem.”

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Published: 2016

In seven studies of BCG-vaccinated children, DTP vaccination was associated with a 2.54 (95% Cl 1.68- 3.86) increase in mortality in girls (with no increase in boys [ratio 0.96, 0.55-1.68]). The ways in which the female and the male immune systems may respond differently to vaccinations in infants are only beginning to be studied.


Is diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) associated with increased female mortality? A meta-analysis testing the hypotheses of sex-differential non-specific effects of DTP vaccine.


Peter Aaby, Henrik Ravn, Ane B. Fisker, Amabelia Rodrigues, and Christine S. Benn; Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2016 Dec; 110(10): 570–581.doi: 10.1093/trstmh/trw073.


Ten years ago, we formulated two hypotheses about whole-cell diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccination: first, when given after BCG (bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis), DTP increases mortality in girls and, second, following DTP there is an increase in the female/male mortality rate ratio (MRR). A recent review by WHO found no convincing evidence that DTP increases mortality in females. Now, ten years later, we have tested the two hypotheses using studies from before, but also those published since formulation of the hypotheses. All studies published after the formulation of the hypotheses of the association of DTP with increased mortality.

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Published: 2016

Israeli, Canadian and Colombian scientists show that the Gardasil vaccine triggers brain inflammation and autoimmunity in mice.


Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil


Inbar R, Weiss R, Tomljenovic L, Arango M-T, Deri Y, Shaw CA, Chapman J, Blank M, Shoenfeld Y. Immunologic Research. 2017;65(1):136-149.


“Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory manifestations in susceptible individuals. To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals…. It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes…. In light of these findings, this study highlights the necessity of proceeding with caution with respect to further mass-immunization practices with a vaccine of yet unproven long-term clinical benefit in cervical cancer prevention.”

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Published: 2016

Infants vaccinated with multiple vaccines at once have much higher hospitalizations and death rates than infants who receive fewer simultaneous vaccines


Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe


Neil Z. Miller. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer 2016.


“Our study showed that infants who receive several vaccines concurrently, as recommended by CDC, are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die when compared with infants who receive fewer vaccines simultaneously. It also showed that reported adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants. The safety of CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule was never affirmed in clinical studies. Vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, yet health authorities have no scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive. National vaccination campaigns must be supported by scientific evidence.”

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Published: 2016

When young adults fully vaccinated in childhood with two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine are given a third dose, measles antibody levels revert to near-baseline levels within a year.


Measles virus neutralizing antibody response, cell-mediated immunity, and IgG antibody avidity before and after a third dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in young adults


Fiebelkorn AP, Coleman LA, Belongia EA, et al. Measles virus neutralizing antibody response, cell-mediated immunity, and IgG antibody avidity before and after a third dose of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in young adults. Journal of Infectious Diseases;2016;213(7):1115-23.



When fully vaccinated young adults who received two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine in childhood are given a third dose (MMR3), measles antibody levels revert to near-baseline levels within a year. In this study—after just one month—MMR3 failed to produce any “substantial improvements in the quality of the immune response” for 96.8% of subjects. Individuals who had low or negative vaccine-induced antibodies at baseline were more likely to remain low or negative both one month and one year after the MMR booster, suggesting that “inherent biology” influences whether individuals respond to measles vaccination. Those who received their first MMR dose before 15 months of age also had significantly lower antibody levels later in life. The CDC and FDA researchers conclude that “MMR3 is unlikely to solve the problem of waning immunity in the U.S.”

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Published: 2016

Israeli and Italian scientists warn that vaccine adjuvants (aluminum) are causing a wide-range of autoimmune conditions, including Sjogren’s Syndrome.


Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants and Sjogren’s syndrome


Colafrancesco S, Perricone C, Shoenfeld Y. The Israel Medical Association Journal. 2016;18(3-4):150-153.


Considerable evidence raises the possibility of vaccine-triggered autoimmunity. For example, case reports suggest that both vaccines and silicone may trigger the development of Sjogren’s syndrome (a chronic systemic autoimmune inflammatory condition involving the exocrine glands). Aluminum, one of the principal adjuvants used in vaccine formulation, may be responsible for the development of autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). Aluminum salts seem to induce the activation of dendritic cells and complement components and increase the level of chemokine secretion at the injection site. Evidence also suggests that several vaccines, including BCG (tuberculosis), hepatitis A and/or B and human papillomavirus (HPV), should be avoided or considered only in selected individuals.

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Published: 2016

Aluminum in vaccines is highly neurotoxic and exposure levels given to infants have dramatically increased.


Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe


Neil Z. Miller. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Winter 2016.


“Infants and young children throughout the world receive high quantities of aluminum from multiple inoculations. Incremental changes to the vaccination schedule during the past several years significantly increased the quantity of aluminum in childhood shots. Numerous studies provide compelling evidence that injected aluminum can be detrimental to health. Aluminum is capable of remaining in cells long after vaccination and may cause neurologic and autoimmune disorders. During early development, the child’s brain is more susceptible to toxins and the kidneys are less able to eliminate them. Thus, children have a greater risk than adults of adverse reactions to aluminum in vaccines. Millions of children every year are injected with vaccines containing mercury and aluminum despite well-established experimental evidence of the potential for additive or synergistic toxicity when an organism is exposed to two or more toxic metals.”

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Published: 2016

There is a significant increase in neurodevelopmental delays in children exposed to both Thimerosal (in vaccines) and methylmercury (in fish).


Neurodevelopment of Amazonian children exposed to ethylmercury (from Thimerosal in vaccines) and methylmercury (from fish)


Marques RC, Abreu L, Bernardi JVE, Dórea JG. Environmental Research. 2016;149:259–265.


Amazonian children exposed to high and low levels of both ethyl- and methylmercury were assessed using the Mental Developmental Index and Psychomotor Developmental Index. The researchers observed statistically significant differences in the high-exposure group at 24 months in the Mental Developmental Index. Combined exposures led to developmental delays, including the age of talking and the age of walking.

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Published: 2015

The specific mechanism of action of each vaccine adjuvant may have different effects on the course of autoimmune conditions resulting from vaccination.


On vaccine’s adjuvants and autoimmunity: Current evidence and future perspectives


Pellegrino P, Clementi E, Radice S. Autoimmunity Reviews. 2015;14(10):880-888.


Adjuvants in vaccines have been implicated in “Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants” (ASIA), an umbrella of clinical conditions that includes post-vaccination adverse reactions. Aluminum-based compounds, in particular, are associated with the development of vaccine adjuvant-induced autoimmune diseases, but vaccines with other adjuvants may also cause specific autoimmune adverse reactions via different pathogenic mechanisms. The specific mechanism of action of each single adjuvant may have different effects on the course of different diseases.

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Published: 2015

Evidence points to vaccine-induced autoimmunity and adjuvant-induced autoimmunity in experimental models and human patients.


Vaccines, adjuvants and autoimmunity


Guimarães LE, Baker B, Perricone C, Shoenfeld Y. Pharmacological Research. 2015;100:190-209.


This review of the literature assembles evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmunity and adjuvant-induced autoimmunity in both experimental models as well as human patients. Adjuvants and infectious agents may exert their immune-enhancing effects through various functional activities, encompassed by the adjuvant effect. These mechanisms are shared by different conditions triggered by adjuvants leading to the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA).

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Published: 2015

There is evidence of a significant relationship between increasing organic mercury exposure from Thimerosal-containing vaccines and the subsequent risk of PDD diagnosis in males and females.


A Case-Control Study Evaluating the Relationship Between Thimerosal-Containing Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccine Administration and the Risk for a Pervasive Developmental Disorder Diagnosis in the United States


David A. Geier & Janet K. Kern & Paul G. King & Lisa K. Sykes & Mark R. Geier; Biological Trace Element Research, (2015) 163:28–38.


In this case-control study of pervasive development disorder (PDD) in U.S. children, cases were consistently exposed to higher levels of thimerosal via infant vaccines at both 6 months of age and 15 months of age, based specifically on Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines. Differences between exposures in cases and controls were statistically significant at both ages evaluated.

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Published: 2015

The odds of a VAERS report submission during the implementation period were 30.2 times greater than the odds during the comparable preimplementation period when an open-source, electronic health record–based clinical decision support system is used.


Advanced Clinical Decision Support for Vaccine Adverse Event Detection and Reporting


Reporting of adverse events (AEs) following vaccination can help identify rare or unexpected complications of immunizations and aid in characterizing potential vaccine safety signals. We developed an open-source, generalizable clinical decision support system called Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP-VAERS) to assist clinicians with AE detection and reporting.

In the 8 months following implementation, 91 622 vaccinations were given. ESP-VAERS sent 1385 messages to responsible clinicians describing potential AEs. Clinicians opened 1304 (94.2%) messages, responded to 209 (15.1%), and confirmed 16 for transmission to VAERS. An additional 16 high-probability AEs were sent automatically. Reported events included seizure, pleural effusion, and lymphocytopenia. The odds of a VAERS report submission during the implementation period were 30.2 (95% confidence interval, 9.52–95.5) times greater than the odds during the comparable preimplementation period.

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