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August 16, 2021 Big Pharma Views

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Watch Free Online Screening of ‘VAXXED II,’ Sign Up Now for Live Q&A on Aug. 19

“VAXXED II: The People’s Truth” is now available for free online streaming on the Children’s Health Defense website. The organization will host a live Q&A about the film on Aug. 19 at 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET.

'VAXXED II: The People’s Truth' is now available for free online streaming on the CHD website.

“VAXXED II: The People’s Truth” is now available for free online streaming on the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) website. CHD will host a live Q&A about the film on Aug. 19, 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET.

Sign up now to attend the Aug. 19 live Q&A:

The Q&A will feature panelists:

  • Polly Tommey, “VAXXED II” producer and moderator
  • Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., CHD chief scientific officer, professor of biology at Simpson University
  • Kari Bundy (featured in the film), CHD translation coordinator and mother of 4-month-old who died a few days after being vaccinated
  • Paul Thomas, MD (featured in the film), pediatrician and author of a study comparing the health of vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated children
  • Nico La Hood (featured in film), attorney and parent of two vaccine-injured children

“VAXXED II” is the sequel to “VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe,” a film revolving around the confession of Dr. William Thompson, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist and whistleblower who describes how the CDC destroyed data from a pivotal vaccine safety study.

The film, originally scheduled to debut at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2016, exposed the depths of damage control used to preserve “vaccine confidence” and the lengths regulatory authorities, mainstream media and others would go to limit public discourse.

“VAXXED” also features interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians and parents who reveal the real-life impacts of the CDC’s deception and its potential contribution to the autism epidemic.

Despite pressure to censor the film, which led Robert DeNiro to pull it from the Tribeca festival line-up, “VAXXED” resonated with thousands of families who had witnessed the devastation of vaccine injury firsthand.

The film’s sequel, “VAXXED II: The People’s Truth,” is the result of the overwhelming response of families who were eager to share their personal stories after watching the first film.

The sequel bears witness to the suffering of a broader population, including parents who have lost their children to vaccine injury and older vaccine-injured children who are able to describe their harrowing experiences and the impacts of their lifelong debilitating ailments.

“VAXXED II” also documents the growth of a movement in real time as the “VAXXED” bus traveled across the country inviting families to share their stories live via an online streaming platform, and to sign the bus.

The film features interviews with doctors who acknowledge undeniable patterns of chronic health conditions among vaccinated children, and point to a vaccine education in medical school that is focused simply on administration of vaccines — teaching the CDC-recommended schedule and reinforcing the idea that all vaccines are “safe and effective” and “save millions of lives.”

“VAXXED II” depicts the bleak landscape of our current medical system — one that has sacrificed true health and natural herd immunity for profitable pharmaceutical band-aids that are failing our children and contributing to a new health crisis.

But the film ends on a note of optimism as the VAXXED team invites families of unvaccinated children to share a vision of a healthier, more hopeful future for generations to come.

CHD invites you to witness “The People’s Truth,” engage in conversations within your own communities and make room for the stories of all of the victims of vaccine injury.

Sign up now to attend the Aug. 19 live Q&A:

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