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Vitamin D

Nutrients, High-Dose Cholecalciferol Booster Therapy is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Mortality in Patients with COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Centre Observational Study.
Published: 2021

An 80% decrease in death among hospitalized (late treatment) patients in the UK given Vitamin D.


Ling SF, Broad E, Murphy R, Pappachan JM, Pardesi-Newton S, Kong MF, Jude EB. High-Dose Cholecalciferol Booster Therapy is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Mortality in Patients with COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Multi-Centre Observational Study. Nutrients. 2020 Dec 11;12(12):3799. doi: 10.3390/nu12123799. PMID: 33322317; PMCID: PMC7763301.


This is a late treatment retrospective study showing 80% lower mortality with cholecalciferol booster therapy of 986 hospitalized patients in the UK finding that cholecalciferol booster therapy, regardless of baseline serum levels, was associated with a reduced risk of mortality in acute COVID-19 inpatients. An 80% decrease in mortality in the primary cohort (444 patients).

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The Association Between the Level of Serum 25(OH) Vitamin D, Obesity, and underlying Diseases with the risk of Developing COVID‐19 Infection: A case‐control study of hospitalized patients in Tehran, Iran.
Published: 2021

Low levels of Vitamin D and obesity positively correlated with symptomatic COIVD


Abdollahi, A, Sarvestani, HK, Rafat, Z, et al. The association between the level of serum 25(OH) vitamin D, obesity, and underlying diseases with the risk of developing COVID‐19 infection: A case–control study of hospitalized patients in Tehran, Iran. J Med Virol. 2021; 93: 2359– 2364.


The aim of this study was to explore an association between the serum vitamin D level, obesity, and underlying health conditions, as well as the vulnerability to COVID‐19 in the Iranian population. A significant negative correlation  was observed between the serum vitamin D level and developing coronavirus infection.

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Mortality in an Italian nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with gender, age, ADL, vitamin D supplementation, and limitations of the diagnostic tests.
Published: 2021

Italian nursing home patients given Vitamin D before being exposed to COIVD 19 had a 70% decrease in death.


Cangiano B, Fatti LM, Danesi L, Gazzano G, Croci M, Vitale G, Gilardini L, Bonadonna S, Chiodini I, Caparello CF, Conti A, Persani L, Stramba-Badiale M, et al. Mortality in an Italian nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with gender, age, ADL, vitamin D supplementation, and limitations of the diagnostic tests. Aging (Albany NY). 2020; 12:24522-24534.


The COVID-19 pandemic caused an increased mortality in nursing homes due to its quick spread and the age-related high lethality. We observed a two-month mortality of 40%, compared to 6.4% in the previous year. Increased mortality was associated with male gender, older age, no previous vitamin D supplementation and worse “activities of daily living (ADL)” scores. Our data confirms a higher geriatric mortality due to COVID-19, and mortality was inversely associated with vitamin D supplementation.

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High dose vitamin D improves total serum antioxidant capacity and ICU outcome in critically ill patients – A randomized, double-blind clinical trial.
Published: 2021

Administration of vitamin D may increase TAC levels and decrease the length of stay and duration of mechanical ventilation in ICU patients.


Mohammad Sistanizad, Mehran Kouchek, Mohammad Miri, Sara Salarian, Seyedpouzhia Shojaei, Fatemeh Moeini Vasegh, Hossein Seifi Kafshgari, Roja Qobadighadikolaei. High dose vitamin D improves total serum antioxidant capacity and ICU outcome in critically ill patients – A randomized, double-blind clinical trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 42, 2021,101271, ISSN 1876-3820,


The results show that injection of vitamin D leads to a significant increase in the mean changes of vitamin D level on the seventh day of the study and Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) levels. ICU length of stay was lessened. Twelve patients in the placebo group and 5 in the vitamin D group died within the 28 day study period. The duration of mechanical ventilation was lessened in vitamin D and placebo arms. Authors do not indicate why the patients were hospitalized or if any of the patients were COVID-19 patients.

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Vitamin D Status is Associated With In-hospital Mortality and Mechanical Ventilation: A Cohort of COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients
Published: 2021

Patients with higher Vitamin D levels had significantly lower death rate.


Angeliki M. Angelidi, Matthew J. Belanger, Michael K. Lorinsky, Dimitrios Karamanis, Natalia Chamorro-Pareja, Jennifer Ognibene, Leonidas Palaiodimos, Christos S. Mantzoros, Vitamin D Status is Associated With In-hospital Mortality and Mechanical Ventilation: A Cohort of COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2021, ISSN 0025-6196, Https://


Retrospective of 144 patients in the USA admitted with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19, those with Vitamin D levels in the accepted normal range had significantly lower mortality.

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