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Toxin - Toxins

Dynamical features in fetal and postnatal zinc-copper metabolic cycles predict the emergence of autism spectrum disorder
Published: 2018

Mount Sinai research could result in an early diagnostic system for autism spectrum disorder.


Curtin P, et al. Science Advances. 2018;4:eaat1293.


Using evidence found in baby teeth, researchers from the Institute for Exposomic Research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai report that cycles involved in zinc and copper metabolism are dysregulated in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and can be used to predict who will later develop the condition. The researchers used the teeth to reconstruct prenatal and early-life exposures to nutrient and toxic elements in healthy and autistic children.

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Sorting out the spinning of autism: heavy metals and the question of incidence
Published: 2010

Scientists review literature and raise concerns about denial of environmental toxin link to autism.


DeSoto MC, Hitlan RT. ACTA Neurobiological Experimentals. 2010;70:165–176.


“In this paper, we argue that increasingly over the past decade, positions that deny a link to environmental toxins and autism are based on relatively weak science and are disregarding the bulk of scientific literature. The question about toxic exposure and autism is open, with the weight of evidence favoring a connection that is not well understood. Although it is not possible to say with certainty, it seems likely that the connection would be mediated by genetic susceptibility and ability to detoxify. That is, some people have genotypes that confer higher susceptibility to toxic exposures. If so, then 50 years ago few people would have had enough toxic exposure to have the neurological changes that result in autism.”

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