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Peer-reviewed Science

The peer reviewed science is accumulating. So far, the CHD has collected more than 80 studies linking mercury to autism, over 240 studies confirming mercury from any source is a health hazard, and almost 200 studies specifically showing the dangers of thimerosal. And we are just getting started!

All of the papers are peer-reviewed science in prestigious journals to which our Government agencies have turned a blind eye. And, despite news to the contrary, mercury and other dangerous toxins are still being injected into pregnant women, infants and children via their vaccines. As the science proves there is no safe level for mercury in any form, allowing it in “trace amounts” in vaccines and up to 25 mcg. in flu vaccines is a draconian policy that should stop immediately.

Annotated Version of Peer-Reviewed, Published Research Linking Autism, Mercury and Thimerosal

In February 2017, Children’s Health Defense collected 89 peer-reviewed published articles linking autism, mercury and thimerosal. Each of these article abstracts are presented here along with a short annotation in layman terms about what the researchers found and how the findings are linked to autism. The science continues to accumulate that mercury and thimerosal are potent drivers of the autism epidemic. Download PDF (36.4MB)

Research Resources

Mercury (all sources) Research

Mercury-Autism Research

Mercury-Thimerosal-Autism Research (PDF 36.4MB)

Thimerosal Research