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May 3, 2021

Big Brother News Watch

Canada Will Require Vaccine Passport for Entry

The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance.

The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines.

Canada Will Require Using A Vaccine Passport for Entry

Forbes reported:

Canadian Health Minister Patty Hajdu says her government supports the idea of a “vaccine passport” and will come up with a form of vaccine certification to allow vaccinated Canadians to travel internationally.

Nearly eight in 10 Canadians (78%) agree (including 56% who strongly agree) that all travelers entering Canada should be required to have a vaccine passport, according to a new Ipsos survey. Comparatively, a smaller majority of Americans (71%) agree that travelers should be required to show a vaccine passport before entering the United States.

Vaccine Passports vs. Basic Civil Liberties

The Defender reported:

The media is covering “about half the story” about vaccine passports “and it’s the wrong half,” according to Wayne Rohde, host of the “Right on Point” podcast.

Rohde interviewed Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense, about vaccine passports and their potential to infringe on basic civil liberties. Holland pointed out how Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the 100-year-old landmark Supreme Court case used to justify vaccine mandates, is being “stretched beyond recognition,” and how some of today’s Supreme Court justices are pushing back.

‘It’s Just the Beginning’: COVID Push to Digital Boosts Big Tech Profits

The Guardian reported:

Big tech is on a roll. In every minute of the first three months of 2021, Apple, Google owner Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft sold products and services worth about $2.5m (£1.8m) combined. Profits before tax for the period came in at $88bn – more than $1bn of profit for every working day.

After a year of shifting to online work and leisure across the global economy, financial results published this week by most of U.S. tech’s biggest names were bound to be strong. But even more bullish analysts on Wall Street were surprised by how fast they raked in money in the quarter, auguring even greater profits in the years ahead.

Montana Is About to Become the Most Dangerous Place in America to Protest Fossil Fuels

Gizmodo reported:

This week, the Montana legislature passed what is among the most, if not the most, extreme anti-pipeline protest laws in the country. Gov. Greg Gianforte, a man best known for assaulting a reporter and killing wolves, is expected to sign a bill into law that would criminalize protesting fossil fuel infrastructure. It would foist up to $150,000 in fines and 30 years in prison on individuals convicted of protest-related “vandalism” and $1.5 million in costs on any organizations charged as “conspirators.” Republicans legislators that have backed the bill have also singled out Indigenous-led protests as a reason for the bill, citing falsehoods to pass a bill to protect fossil fuel interests.

“What they see in the past few years is how important Native Americans’ voice is,” said Keaton Sunchild, the political director of Western Native Voice, referring to the legislators who passed the bill. “If we’re not able to protest these types of projects, then there’s not a dissenting voice. They’re able to silence a large chunk of activists and say, ‘look, there’s no opposition to this project,’ when in reality, there’s a huge opposition.”

U.S. Space Force Chief Scientist: ‘Human Augmentation’ Is Now Necessary

Technocracy News reported:

The chief scientist for the newly created U.S. Space Force has said he thinks ‘human augmentation’ will be here sooner rather than later.

Dr. Joel Mozer, speaking at an event at the Airforce Research Laboratory, said that it is ‘imperative’ that the US outdo its adversaries by leading in ‘human augmentation’ in military technology.

‘In the last century, Western civilization transformed from an industrial-based society to an information-based society, but today we’re on the brink of a new age: the age of human augmentation,’ said Mozer.

‘In our business of national defense, it’s imperative that we embrace this new age, lest we fall behind our strategic competitors.’

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