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Meet the Speakers

Monica Smit

Monica Smit

Full-Time Freedom-Loving Activist

Monica has been on the front line of Australia’s freedom movement since August 2020. She founded two organizations, Reignite Democracy Australia and Reignite Freedom.

Monica hit the international stage when she spent 22 days in solitary confinement in a high-security prison simply for promoting an anti-lockdown protest.

All charges were dropped, but only after she was dragged through court for two years. Monica is now in the process of suing the Victorian Chief Health Officer for what happened to her and all of us!

Monica just completed touring Europe for five months, meeting as many freedom lovers, groups and organizations as possible. She wrote a Substack for each country visited to showcase the groups, people and initiatives she encountered.

Her mission is to prove that the freedom movement is far larger and more diverse than we could ever imagine. She believes we are absolutely ready for whatever happens next and intends to convince everyone else to believe it too!

We are MANY, we are UNITED, and WE ARE READY.