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Activities Of Daily Living - ADL

Mortality in an Italian nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with gender, age, ADL, vitamin D supplementation, and limitations of the diagnostic tests.
Published: 2021

Italian nursing home patients given Vitamin D before being exposed to COIVD 19 had a 70% decrease in death.


Cangiano B, Fatti LM, Danesi L, Gazzano G, Croci M, Vitale G, Gilardini L, Bonadonna S, Chiodini I, Caparello CF, Conti A, Persani L, Stramba-Badiale M, et al. Mortality in an Italian nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic: correlation with gender, age, ADL, vitamin D supplementation, and limitations of the diagnostic tests. Aging (Albany NY). 2020; 12:24522-24534.


The COVID-19 pandemic caused an increased mortality in nursing homes due to its quick spread and the age-related high lethality. We observed a two-month mortality of 40%, compared to 6.4% in the previous year. Increased mortality was associated with male gender, older age, no previous vitamin D supplementation and worse “activities of daily living (ADL)” scores. Our data confirms a higher geriatric mortality due to COVID-19, and mortality was inversely associated with vitamin D supplementation.

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