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Science Library Abstract
Published: 2017

A number of factors can predispose susceptible individuals to autoimmune reactions following vaccination.


Vaccination and autoimmune diseases: is prevention of adverse health effects on the horizon?


Vadalà M, Poddighe D, Laurino C, Palmieri B. European Association for Predictive Preventive & Personalized Medicine Journal. 2017;8(3):295-311.


This review discusses possible underlying mechanisms of autoimmune reactions following vaccinations and cases of autoimmune diseases that have been correlated with vaccination. Molecular mimicry and bystander activation are possible mechanisms by which vaccines can cause autoimmune reactions. The individuals who might be susceptible to develop these reactions could be those with previous post-vaccination phenomena, those with allergies, individuals who are prone to develop autoimmune diseases (such as those with a family history of autoimmunity or with known autoantibodies) and genetically predisposed individuals.

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