A team from Children’s Health Defense (CHD) last year spent nine months traversing the country in a bus, collecting testimonies from families, medical professionals, whistleblowers and others whose lives were devastated by injury and death following COVID-19 vaccines and hospital treatment protocols.
A new documentary, “Vaxxed 3: Authorized to Kill,” premiering in theaters across the country on Sept. 18, compiles clips from over a thousand interviews with the everyday people who visited the bus to share their stories.
The interviews reveal a radical consistency in the experiences related by those who were injured and by the families who lost their loved ones and in the descriptions of abuse and neglect perpetrated by practitioners and hospitals.
“These were fundamental violations of human rights,” said Kim Mack Rosenberg, CHD general counsel.
The film opens with mainstream media clips from throughout the pandemic reporting information that was later proven untrue — that COVID-19 vaccines were safe and effective, would stop transmission and end the pandemic, and that the unvaccinated were responsible for the vaccines’ failures.
The information circulating in the media “didn’t add up,” said Polly Tommey, director of CHD.TV who led the project. So, she thought, “There’s only one thing left to do. We need to get on a bus and get back out on the road and find out what is going on because only the people will tell us the truth.”
In the film, the bus interviews are interwoven with commentary from top legal and medical experts, including CHD CEO Mary Holland, Mack Rosenberg, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Ryan Cole, CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, and others.
Together, they offer insight into the lies told by public health officials, the profit incentives, the coercion and the “unrelenting propaganda and censorship” that led to what Tommey called “mass murder on a level that is difficult to comprehend.”
Vaccine-injured people and their families share stories of paralysis, myocarditis, cancer, seizures, organ failure, Guillain Barré, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and other adverse reactions. Many broke down in tears, some even experienced physical symptoms from their injuries during their interviews.
They also shared their desperation. “This is not a quality of life,” one woman cried. “It is when you start thinking, OK, how do I end my life?”
‘There was so much death’
Families of those who lost husbands, wives and children sobbed as they shared stories of being separated from their loved ones who were left to die alone.
“My father died alone in the worst possible way,” one woman told Tommy. “And it’s horrible because there’s no accountability and the guilt and regrets are left to us.”
They told stories of following doctors’ recommendations and taking loved ones who were mildly ill with low oxygen into the hospital where they were put on ventilators or a cocktail of heavy drugs against their will and then died.
Families reported that they weren’t informed their loved ones were being treated with heavy drugs. “I’m the healthcare power of attorney,” said one father, whose daughter died after five days on Precedex — which according to its label should not be administered for more than 24 hours. “Why wasn’t I told what they’re doing?”
In an emotional testimonial, a medical coder and whistleblower — who reviewed patient records and assigned codes for diagnoses and treatments that allowed hospitals and physicians to get paid — explained how financial incentives for hospitals treating patients diagnosed with COVID-19 led to mass testing.
Positive COVID-19 tests were used to justify the use of ventilators — even when hospitals realized they were killing people — and the administration of remdesivir, which is known to cause kidney damage.
Even the World Health Organization recommended against the use of remdesivir after finding no evidence that it improved outcomes. Yet Dr. Anthony Fauci determined it should be the standard of care in U.S. hospitals — at more than $3,000 per patient.
Interviewees reported their loved ones were put on the drug and then died. Nurses told Tommey in interviews that they saw the same thing happen over and over.
“The majority of hospital deaths “were actually caused by Anthony Fauci,” Cole said, because his National Institutes of Health issued protocols that, if adhered to by hospitals, led to “big bonuses, lots of money.”
“I knew they were killing people in the hospital,” the medical coder said. “I would cry myself to sleep at night … There was so much death. It was almost unbearable.”
“It’s unbelievable,” Tommy said. “You may be watching this right now and say, can’t be. I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I hadn’t heard it. Not once, twice, but hundreds and hundreds of times. And still now as I’m doing this interview, I have 40, 50 a week interviews of COVID hospital protocol deaths. How many did they kill?”
Doctors and nurses provided detailed insight into the complex billing process that generated large profits for pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.
Many of them also shared how their care strategies changed, as they tried to help patients avoid hospitals.
“We’d do anything we could to keep people out of the hospital,” one doctor said.
“I was managing acutely ill people at their home, going to their home, doing whatever I needed to do to treat them,” said another.
The film also covers the suppression of unprofitable treatments shown to be effective, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine — compiling clips from mainstream media calling it a horse drug and interviews with families detailing how their appeals for the drugs were denied and mocked.
“They politicized it and demonized it,” Kory said, talking about ivermectin. “And many, many, many people died needless deaths because they didn’t know of its efficacy.”
Kory called the media’s treatment of the drug a “disinformation campaign,” which he said was equally deployed around the vaccine and the demonization of the unvaccinated.
Because of that demonization, he added, the unvaccinated weren’t afforded the same care as the vaccinated when they did go to hospitals.
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“So the patients were undertreated, mistreated, maltreated and died because of money. And it boils down to that. It really boils down to that,” Cole said.
The film also honors the brave healthcare workers who did care for people, those who resisted the pressure to comply and offers hope for a growing number of people who have “woken up” to the dangers of a corrupt public health system, willing to sacrifice people to dangerous healthcare protocols for profit.
“Thank God for those brave nurses that spoke about the disgustingness that went on the hospital because they really validated what the parents and the people who lost loved ones were saying,” one interviewee said.
“Many lost their licenses and were told they would never work in healthcare again because of spreading misinformation. But they were just telling us simply what they saw,” she said.
Another said she was scared for the future of medicine. “Now we are left with medical facilities full of people who don’t have a backbone to stand up and do the right thing.”
Tommy said the people interviewed on the bus tour were just a fraction of those who have suffered and it is important to keep gathering and sharing their stories and raising awareness.
“We are 8 billion people against a few thousand controligarchs,” Holland said. “We will win this.”
“We will continue, Children’s Health Defense will continue, until there is justice and this never ever happens again,” said Tommey.