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January 16, 2025 Censorship/Surveillance COVID Views


Doctors Were Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries in Private Facebook Group Early in Pandemic

“COVID19 Physician Group,” an exclusive online Facebook community open only to doctors, included private messages describing COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries that doctors were afraid to discuss publicly, for fear of professional retribution.

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Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has recently announced that it was a mistake to allow “fact-checking” to guide what is and isn’t acceptable content on his massive social media platform.

There’s been a bipolar response to this announcement. Left-leaning “intellectual” influencer Daniel Pinchbeck thinks this is a colossal mistake.

He recently posted this note on Substack:

“I am deeply dismayed by Zuckerberg’s decision to do away with fact checking and found him in his appearance on Rogan to be despicable.

“Many people will die because of this, in all likelihood.”

On the other hand, Zuckerberg’s apparent backpedaling has drawn fierce criticism from strident dissenters to the pharma/government complex attempt to demand compliance with COVID-19 “vaccine” mandates.

Zucky is pandering to a new administration about to take power in a few days. How could someone who is smart enough to run and expand a tech platform over 20 years not see the futility and danger of censorship and de-platforming from the beginning?

It’s a disingenuous attempt to come clean. The youthful billionaire is just trying to save his skin.

Personally, I have felt the backlash of Facebook’s absurd “community standards” over the last four years. Nevertheless, I still think this is a positive move.

Whether Zuckerberg has had an authentic reckoning or not, the best thing he could possibly do would be to open up his 2+ billion users to all information immediately and double down on his new opinion that censorship is a bad idea.

Deride him if you wish, but let us support him in dropping the censorship net. That would be the best apology I could hope for.

I think you are wrong Daniel Pinchbeck. Many people died because of the fact-checking that you are advocating for, in all likelihood.

To make my case, I would like to bring attention to an article I published nearly two years ago here in my newsletter. The piece was originally written for The Defender, the online publication of Children’s Health Defense, a year earlier while I was serving as their science editor.

The environment back then was very scary if you were bucking the narrative as a physician. I took great care to protect the anonymity of the doctors I was quoting and the platform on which it appeared. I no longer feel that this is necessary.

The online physician community that I am referring to was a private group on Facebook called “COVID19 Physician Group.”

As you can see, it boasts over 27,000 M.D.s who are each vetted by the group’s administrators before they can join and post their comments. As I describe in the original article, I joined the group in the fall of 2020 at the invitation from a colleague, a board-certified critical care and pulmonologist, who had similar concerns that I had.

Why was the medical community so obstinate that COVID-19 could not be treated with repurposed meds like hydroxychloroquine that had demonstrated effect against viral replication of coronaviruses?

Why were they so sure that a yet-to-be-tested vaccine against an RNA virus would work? Why were doctors advocating for masks of any sort to be required to leave your house, whether you were symptomatic or not?

I asked basic questions like these of the physician group only to be ridiculed. If that wasn’t bad enough, other doctors who shared my skepticism about how the medical community was strategizing were threatened by the group, some challenging our clinical acumen and calling for the revocation of our medical licenses. What happened to us?

This is what I witnessed in the private exchanges between doctors:

  • Initial reports from physicians on the front lines told a grim tale. Most physicians in practice today have never dealt with a deadly pathogen spreading through their community unabated. Most physicians have never had to deal with this level of infrastructure failure. Not panicking was quickly regarded as irrational.
  • Early treatment options were inappropriately dismissed, and those advocating for them were not just ignored, they were vilified and threatened.
  • This led to the destruction of productive exchanges. Dissenting opinions were rarely raised due to the risk of backlash including calls to revoke medical licenses. The group turned into an echo chamber.
  • mRNA “vaccines” were accepted with nary a challenge to their purported safety or efficacy despite only a few months of data from the ongoing Phase III trials.
  • A few months into the vaccine campaign doctors began to report serious adverse events from the shots, in droves and in private. Yes, they did.

The last point is particularly relevant to the present moment. The censorship of any content, especially with regard to vaccine harm, steered public opinion in a dangerous direction.

We were inoculating hundreds of millions of people with a poorly tested, novel technology without any long-term safety data and anyone who was witness to harm couldn’t warn others.

However, in this private group of only physicians, members were able to share their anecdotes of vaccine injuries and the futility of reporting them through official channels like VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).

Here are a few of the anecdotes left by M.D.s in this private group regarding COVID-19 “vaccine” injuries:

  • “Just saw a patient, an RN, who received 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine 3 days ago and that evening started experiencing dizziness, loss of balance and double vision which continues through today. Her husband also has reactivation of his trigeminal neuralgia after receiving 1st dose of Moderna.”
  • “I never had any underlying disorder but started a new lower lip twitch 2 days after 2nd dose of Pfizer. I’m almost 4 weeks out and still feel it intermittently. I never ever felt that before the vaccine. Some may not think related but I absolutely do.”
  • “After hours of a HR (Heart Rate) of 120-130s I was exhausted. Supposed to have my 2nd this week.”
  • “Has anyone seen slurred speech and word finding 24hrs after Pfizer dose. Went to ER, no stroke. Dx (Diagnosed with a) migraine. Now 4 days with same symptoms. Pt had COVID-19 in July 2020.”
  • “I had bilateral paresthesias of feet and hands one week after the moderna shot 1.”
  • “Saw a XX yo male who had a petit mal seizure 2 weeks after first dose of Pfizer and no other changes whatsoever in routine or diet or exposures or meds/supplements.”
  • “Had two days of the reactivation of the thoracic shingles neuralgia I had three years ago.”
  • “Have a patient who developed neuralgia at the thoracic region the next day after receiving 1st moderna vaccine. Suspected shingles but no rash has appeared and has followed 1 dermatome. Now they are 2wks out and still having the pain.”
  • “Had my first dose of Moderna 1/9. Had HA [Headache] and fatigue x 7 days. Had reemergence of trigeminal neuralgia since then. In remission 4 months after battling x 2 years. Consulted rheum about 2nd dose. They said to go ahead. I’m due Saturday. This post makes me want to not get it.”
  • “I personally had dizziness, loss of balance, and double vision with both my shots, worse with the second within 20 minutes of the vaccine.”
  • “I have had multiple pts [patients] with migraine.”
  • “One hemorrhagic stroke.”
  • “Local physician died (hospitalized within a few days and never left alive,) Myocarditis and another with pericarditis and pleural effusion … My list goes on … and yes I have reported to VAERS it is time consuming and not purely passive as they also have contacted me on cases.”
  • “I had neuropathy of my hands and feet from one moderna vaccine in January.”
  • “In the past 3 days, 4 patients post J&J with neuro symptoms. 3 LOC (loss of consciousness) and AMS (altered mental status). One with bilateral LE (lower extremity) weakness and discoordination going to higher level of care for further eval.”
  • “Post Vaccine HSV1 (Herpes Simplex Virus) encephalitis. Pt had no history of HSV1 and 2.”
  • “I’ve seen a lot of reports of rashes, hives, tachycardia, stroke-like symptoms, dizziness, and in one case SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia) after vaccination. I wish we could get better real-time data.”
Magnifying glass and an envelope Magnifying glass and an envelope

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The group had already demonstrated that they would viciously attack any doctor who raised concern over the shots. There were likely many more witnessed injuries that went unreported, even in this private forum.

The original article is lengthy but tells a tragic tale of how easily well-intending, educated people can quickly turn into a mob when dissent is squelched by baseless fact-checking.

So to you, Mr. Pinchbeck, who do you think pays the fact checkers to do the heavy lifting for you? How certain are you that fact-checking is necessary for public safety?

Do you think that you would have made different decisions about your health if you were aware of some of the concerns raised by doctors early on but weren’t because of “community standards?”

If not, would you agree that there should have been full disclosure so that people could make their own decisions about their health and the health of their children?

The only way to restore trust in a medical system that has failed the public is to place a well-informed skeptic at the reins. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is seeking Senate confirmation to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. How much of a battle would this have been if there had been full disclosure from the beginning?

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Originally published on Madhava Setty, M.D.’s An Insult to Intuition Substack.

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