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Science Library Abstract
Published: 2010

Baby monkeys given U.S. vaccine schedule had brain abnormalities in region responsible for social and emotional development.


Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study


Laura Hewitson, Brian J. Lopresti, Carol Stott, N. Scott Mason and Jaime Tomko1. ACTA Neurobiological Experimentals, 2010 70: 147–164.


“The data suggest that vaccine exposure may be associated with significant disturbances in central opioidergic pathways in this model… Volumetric analyses identified significantly greater total brain volume in exposed compared with unexposed animals at both measured time points. These results raise the possibility that multiple vaccine exposures during the previous 3-4 months may have had a significant impact on brain growth and development.”

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