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Science Library Abstract
Published: 2015

Vaccines are implicated in the epidemic of childhood food allergies.


Evidence that food proteins in vaccines cause the development of food allergies and its implications for vaccine policy


Arumugham V. Journal of Developing Drugs. 2015;4:137.


Studies, including by the Institute of Medicine, have demonstrated that food proteins contained in vaccines/injections can induce food allergy. Allergen quantities in vaccines are unregulated. C-section births bias a newborn’s immune system toward IgE synthesis due to the development of a suboptimal gut microbiome. Vaccines contain adjuvants such as aluminum compounds and pertussis toxin that also bias toward IgE synthesis. Over several decades, C-section birth rates have gone up 50%, and the vaccine schedule has increased the number of vaccine shots, with up to five vaccines administered simultaneously. “Given these conditions, the predictable and observed outcome is a food allergy epidemic.”

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